A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves very thin needles which are inserted into the skin.
Most medicines are plant-based, and are packaged as powders, pastes, lotions, or capsules.
Techniques designed to improve the flow of Chi, and allow the body to naturally heal itself
Hi. I'm Lily, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM). Originally from China, I am now living & working in San Diego with my family. You are in good hands because I have been practicing acupuncture for over 20 years!
1997-Present: Licensed Acupuncturist, California 1994-Present: Diplomatic Acupuncturist, NCCA 1995-1997: Licensed Acupuncturist, Pennsylvania 1983-1990: Licensed Chinese Medical Doctor, China
I have been licensed as a Chinese Tradtional Medicine Doctor since 1983, and licensed to practice acupuncture in California since 1997.
2000-2006 Doctoral of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine @ Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, 1993-1995 MS Program in School of Public Health @University of Pittsburgh 1977-1982 Traditional Chinese Medicine College of Liaoning, China